I’ve always been interested in H.P. Lovecraft’s life as well as his stories. His development from an Edwardian hikikomori to a reasonably sociable author is fascinating.

Equally fascinating, but (like many aspects of his life) extremely depressing and embarrassing to Lovecraft, is the story of his brief marriage to Sonia H. Greene, possibly the only woman who could have pursued and won Lovecraft’s hand, and possibly one of the women least likely to be able to live with him. (Actually, I don’t know if anyone could have remained married to him considering Lovecraft’s flaws, but I guess it’s at least conceivable.) I was asked to draw a picture of a female character on a beach in Hawaii, so of course I drew Sonia. The Horror at Martin’s Beach is in the background. Lovecraft’s legs & torso, and Sonia’s feet, look a little off, darnit…

I’m still working on the next page of The Doom That Came to Sarnath — it’ll go up on Thursday. Sorry for the delay, but I’m finally back from Jordan, and catching up on work!