As you know if you’ve been following this blog, I’m going to be a guest this weekend at the HP Lovecraft Film Festival and CthulhuCon! If you’re in the Los Angeles area, RUN, don’t walk, to San Pedro (like “Dawn of the Dead 2004” rather than “Dawn of the Dead 1978”) and come watch some Lovecraftian movies and hang out!
This year’s festival is going to feature appearances by infamous filmmakers Brian Yuzna and Stuart Gordon, horror author Gary Myers, and many other awesome people. I’ll be at the convention all weekend, skulking and lurking in the shadows, but here’s just a small list of things I’ll definitely be at:
5:00-7:00 pm — Dinner at the Whale and Ale Pub with the guests and convention folk!
1:00-3:00 pm — Lovecraftian Literary Lunch at the Whale and Ale! Gary Myers, author of “The House of the Worm”, is going to be reading a completely new story, which is awesome. I and a bunch of other authors will also be there, but most importantly, Gary Myers!!
11:00 am-1:00 pm — Join me in the Games Annex for MANGAKA CTHULHU! Combining my new game, “Mangaka!! The Fast and Furious Game of Drawing Comics,” with a Lovecraftian theme, this Weird-Tales-meets-pulp-comics game involves drawing cards, drawing comics and terrifying your felllow artists with stories of frantically scribbled horror! Experience over 168 Lovecraftian Themes, from Sea Monsters to Premature Burial to Non-Euclidean Geometry. Follow the Trends of 1930s pulp horror, or shun the path of commerce. Avoid Impairments (like Fainting Spells, Nightmares and Blindness). Most of all, compete with your fellow artists to tell the most blasphemous, unspeakable comic stories ever, even if you can’t even draw a stick figure! Come and play, it’s going to be fun!
1:00 pm-3:00ish — PICKMAN’S APPRENTICE! A Lovecraftian drawing jam/competition. I and three other artists will have 2 hours to create an original piece of art, onstage, with a subject chosen by the audience. Will my India Ink technique vanquish the watercolor-and/or-acrylic stylings of the other artists? Whose composition will be the most original? Whose will be the grossest? Come and see!
This isn’t a complete schedule; I’ll be at other events in addition to just hanging around the theatre, so check this website and my twitter for more new events as I add ’em! Also, here’s the full schedule so you can see what everyone else is doing. And of course I’ll have signed books for sale in the Mall of Cthulhu. I hope you can make it!