The Stiff: Chapter 1: Page 16
I’d like to start off by mentioning that I’m participating in a Kickstarter project for a horror anthology which is going to be really awesome. The title is The Sleep of Reason.
My contribution is a 16-page story titled “The Emperor Awakes.” Stylistically, it’s a bit like “The Stiff” (the later parts, not these cobwebby early pages, of course). Personally, I consider “The Emperor Awakes” to be the final comic in a mini-trilogy which includes “Spartan” (my story in “Anything That Loves”) and begins with my H.P. Lovecraft adaptation “The Beast in the Cave.”
In brief: I was thrilled to be invited to be a part of this anthology. If you like my horror comics and want to see me do more of them, please go pre-order a copy of “The Sleep of Reason” today! Thanks for reading!
A note about today’s page specifically… Patrick Macias, my roommate when I first moved to San Francisco (it’s thanks to him that I paid $200 a month for rent for four years– thank you!!), was the one who introduced me to Italian horror movies. Before I met him, my big resource on horror which had been my #1 book in high school, The Penguin Encyclopedia of Horror and the Supernatural, had focused entirely on the English-speaking world and hadn’t dedicated much, if any, space to horror from other countries. (It also had a somewhat highbrow angle and, given limited space, understandably focused on essays about the ‘best’ horror… no lengthy dissections of slasher movies there.) In addition to Patrick’s tutelage, I also learned a lot from The Overlook Film Encyclopedia: Horror, an absolutely stunning book which is probably THE best imaginable resource for horror films from the beginning of cinema up through the late ’80s. Really, they’re both good books, but for film specifically, the Overlook book is astounding, peering into the themes of even the most obscure and dubious-seeming movies.
Paintball is a residential area? That doesn’t seem like a good idea. Around here it’s probably not even legal.
We played paintball in residential areas once in awhile when I was in high school. Things were probably more easygoing before the Columbine Massacre and of course 9/11.