Firstly, I wanted to say, belatedly, that I had an awesome time at Emerald City Comic-Con. It was great seeing everyone who came up to my booth, and it was great tabling next to Compass Rose Press: Jenna and Amanda Vail-Abts, Hannah Small, Beth Hammer and Joyce Hwang. I also got to meet some cool people, like Josh Lesnick and Diana Nock; and to hang out with some old friends and folks I don’t see enough anymore, like Jesse Hamm, Lars Brown, Jason Zachary Potts, Shaenon Garrity and Andrew Farago. If I’ve neglected your name or didn’t get to drop by your booth during the con, forgive me! Despite being lots of fun, it was a super-busy weekend, and I was trapped at my booth pretty much the whole time, with only a few short trips to do stuff like buy the new anthology “QU33R” from Northwest Press.

Moving on to other good news — the very first piece of “The Stiff” merchandise is now in existence! I now have The Stiff Phone Skins, printed by featuring art from an upcoming chapter of The Stiff (longtime readers may recognize it). These were printed up for the “Map of Zombies” project and since I now have a few left (mostly for the iPhone 5), they’re totally available! Please go check them out, and thanks for reading! And if you discovered my stuff at Emerald City Comic Con, thanks for dropping by, and I hope to see you at Sakuracon in two weeks!

NEXT UPDATE: Tomorrow! (Friday)