Another page completed! I promise that as the story goes on, it won’t be entirely drawings of grasslands and reedy lakeshores. But oh, I love drawing them!
Stay tuned next week for more Sarnath pages. In the meantime, I wrote another feature on Nyarko-san: Another Crawling Chaos over at Crunchyroll. This anime just gets nerdier and nerdier: how strange is it that Call of Cthulhu, which came to Japan 25 years ago, a land where tabletop RPGs are even less popular than America, now has an anime series blatantly making Call of Cthulhu references? I expect this to send a sanity-blasting shockwave through the Lovecraft community, regardless of how they feel about big-eyed girls hitting on misanthropic sexphobic guys (sounds like the plot of “The Thing on the Doorstep” to me) and the other anime tropes.

In other news, Nick Marsh, one of the players in Paul MacLean’s “Horror on the Orient Express” Call of Cthulhu campaign, has set up a fundraising campaign on Indiegogo to produce a novelization of their adventures, The Express Diaries! There’s many, many more bonuses and goodies and dimensions to this that I can’t even list here, on top of the fun of Paul’s original campaign podcast from, which really made me develop a new appreciation of the original campaign by… …. here is where I tried to look for the name of the original author of the RPG only to discover that it has like a dozen names listed and my own copy is in my parents’ house in California so I don’t really have a clue who started the whole thing. But, the podcast is great!! Check out the novelization link for more info. It’s great to see more RPG-related things come to life in other media, especially from the grassroots up.
All right! That’s enough writing! See you all next week!