Happy Solstice, everyone! I’ve been keeping silent but working hard on the ongoing Dream-Quest project. The book is at the printers, and I’ve been spending most of the last few weeks working on the new 24″x36″ version of the map of the dreamlands. The image is a detail from a portion of the map.

I also recently read Mark Amory’s biography of Lord Dunsany, and I’ve been working on the final touches for “The Club of the Seven Dreamers,” the RPG adventure. Basically, I’m rushing around trying to finish everything, but all’s going well! And lo and behold, if you weren’t a Kickstarter backer but you buy your comics at a local comic store, the Dream-Quest graphic novel is available in the upcoming January 2012 issue of Previews for release in late March! So one way or the other, Dream-Quest will be coming out next year, all thanks to the awesomeness of the many people who supported it on Kickstarter. I’ll have more news to post after the 26th!