Celephais, Page 11
Just one more page to go! Almost there…!
Rereading this story over and over for the adaptation, I was struck by how well-chosen the phrases are; it’s a very well-put-together tale. I also recently reread “Ex Oblivione” after being reminded of it by the H.P. Lovecraft Literary Podcast, and was struck by its similarities (and differences) from “Celephais.” Lovecraft definitely knew what themes he liked, and returned to them over and over, refining and modifying them. I remember when I was first reading his stories back in junior high I used to complain “But why isn’t there any dialogue?” or “But why can’t he do a story like (insert idea here)?”, but as time went on I grew to appreciate how he chose his color palette and stuck to it. (If you want grotesque mixtures of Lovecraft with things-Lovecraft-would-never-have-wanted-to-write, there’s always his collaborations with other authors.)
The next post will go up next Friday. At that time I’ll also have new, shocking announcements to make! Announcements which will blow your mind in a veritably Azathothian manner! What I’m tryin’ to say is, thanks for reading and come on back, I’ll be right here drawing.
NEXT UPDATE: Friday, September 9
Panels 4 and 6 are my favourites in this one.
I’m not sure I would want to be the God of my own personal Dreamland–sure, it sounds sweet but there has to be a catch. For another, more biting view of the same theme, see Alfred Bester’s early novelette in Unknown Magazine, “Hell is Forever”.
What are those batlike creatures in panel 6? Also, the cat in the next panel looks rather apprehensive; maybe he knows something we don’t. Can’t wait for the final page!
Well… I’m guessing the “catch” may be that everything after page 10 panel 6 is a hallucination taking place in the last moment before death.
“To sleep, perchance to dream.”
Thanks, Esn! Ken, thank you for reminding me of “Hell is Forever.” What an incredible story…
The bat-like creatures are supposed to have clock’s hands hanging from them in lieu of claws, although it’s a little blurry…. then again, who knows what shapes are flickering past them in that twilight?