The other day I had drinks with four people I used to play D&D with, and the question of “When’s the next campaign?” came up. I’m always eager to play tabletop roleplaying games, but I have to admit I’m excited to give D&D5e a shot (I also briefly played the playtest version back in 2012-2013, after all). The new Player’s Handbook and Monster Manual are pricey, but really nice; the art is very good in a painterly illustrative way; and although I’ll always like some of the complexities of 3rd edition, I think the new edition does a good job simplifying the game enough for people who “just want to get started playing” while leaving some flexibility and customization for those who want it. (I know they made Feats optional in this edition, but I’d NEVER play without them. NEVER. -_- )

Anyway, I’m super excited about DMing something, so maybe I’ll give those four friends an email and see if they’re as into it in the bright light of day as they were in the darkness of Smuggler’s Cove, San Francisco’s possibly-premier tiki bar. Could this be my chance to finally run a Mesopotamian-theme Bronze Age fantasy game? Or perhaps the pirate game I’ve always dreamed of? Of course it’s not like I don’t have a zillion other things to do, particularly with the new house still a mess of unopened boxes, so who knows when I’ll find the time. But possibilities, possibilities…

NEXT UPDATE: Wednesday!