Today’s mid-week update is… a birthday card from Keziah Mason and her demonic familiar Brown Jenkin, from H.P. Lovecraft’s “The Dreams in the Witch-House”! That knife isn’t just for slitting the throats of infants for human sacrifices, it’s also for cutting delicious cake, if you’re lucky enough to be in Arkham on your birthday… and if you’re not lucky enough, hyperspace travel makes it possibly for Keziah & Brown to come visit you ANYWHERE bearing their sugary, charnel booty. You haven’t been surprised until Brown Mason teleports into the middle of your cake and burrows out in a cascade of frosting, causing delighted shrieks from the entire party.

This was a commissioned sketch, of course, although I erased the incriminating names. To the recipients: I hope you liked it, and thanks for letting me post it on the site! I’m working hard on the next page(s) of “The Doom That Came to Sarnath”, which will hopefully go up this weekend. Happy late 4th of July, American browsers, and happy random day in the year, everyone else!