Thus ends Chapter 4 of “The Stiff.” I’m going to be posting a few weeks of miscellaneous extra material before starting the next chapters: some Stiff side-story comics and some zombie sketches of the kind I’ve been posting on Fridays. Please stick around and enjoy them until I unleash Chapter 5!
In other news, after reading 3/4ths of Ibn Battuta, I recently discovered/was made re-aware of another Medieval Islamic travelogue, “The Travels of Ibn Jubayr.” Now I really want to read it, but unfortunately, it’s in that inbetween limbo state between being old enough to be on Gutenberg, and being new enough to be available in a Kindle/iBooks edition. Yes, in other words, it actually isn’t available on the Internet. It’s off to alibris or the public library to find it…
NEXT UPDATE: Wednesday!