I’m sure I’ll find things to fix about this page later, but for now… it’s up! Behold! I really enjoyed drawing this one.

While I draw I’ve recently been listening to Yog-Sothoth.com’s Call of Cthulhu podcast “Tatters of the King,” but I’m finally down to the last episode, where I predict, in about 90 minutes, there’s going to be a massive TPK and everyone will die horribly. We’ll see. In the meantime, I’ve also been working on (1) my new Lovecraft project, (2) my role-playing card game, and (3) other weirdness I can’t even talk about yet. One thing of note for Seattle area folks: I’ll be attending Geek Girl Con 2012 on August 11-12, selling comics on the floor and running a roleplaying game! So please come on by and say hello!

While I’m here, if you’re interested in more of my comics, why not check out The Legend of Bold Riley or my Lovecraft one-shot in Beards?