The Stiff: Intermission Art #9
With tremendous relief and pleasure I’m able to announce that the Mangaka: The Fast & Furious Game of Drawing Comics Kickstarter is OVER and successful!
Well, maybe not exactly over… in fact, now that the game is funded, the next 6 months are going to be a new adventure of actually producing the game! There’s art to be drawn, cards & components to be designed, and rules to be finalized & fine-tuned for that last final tinkering. It’s going to be really exciting and difficult — but at least the daily need to promote the Kickstarter is out of the way, which will give me more time to work on other stuff while Eric finishes the remaining Mangaka card art. ;)
The first thing which I’ll be working on with my new free time is The Stiff. Please stay tuned just a little longer as I prepare to resume comic pages. It’s going to be an interesting transition and an exciting time. I’ll also have some new D&D art and homebrew D&D stuff (such as my Priest class design, if you haven’t already scrolled down to the blog portion of the page and seen it).
Thanks for supporting Mangaka, and thanks for reading The Stiff! Get ready for more!
NEXT UPDATE: Wednesday!
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