The Stiff: Intermission Art #8
Have I really not posted this drawing before? I feel like I must have, but I can’t find it in the archive, so…. this drawing depicts the ancient Tibetan “sky burial” ritual in which a corpse is fed to vultures, not unlike Zoroastrian burial practices. I drew the original as a gift for a friend.
I’ll be spending Friday through Sunday at FanimeCon, demoing Mangaka in the Prototype Gaming Area! The Mangaka Kickstarter has just over 72 hours left. The next time I post here, the Kickstarter will be over: back to working on other stuff, back to drawing other things. (Well, not entirely; we’ve made our goal, so there’s still going to be tons of stuff to do to get the game into production. Now it REALLY gets crazy!) We’ve looked at the budget and modified the stretch goals for the game to make them more accessible: the first stretch goal is now at $30,000 and we have approximately $27,000. We just need 40 more backers for Stretch Goal #1, which will add 32 new cards to every set of Mangaka! If you haven’t seen the video and shared the link already, now’s the time! And if you have, thanks for enduring all my tin-cup-rattling!! ;)
NEXT UPDATE: Wednesday!
Nope, haven’t posted this before, and I’m glad you’re posting it now! This is AWESOME! I do think Tibetan culture has a special place in your artwork…always with great results!
Congrats on the Mangaka game! I was unfortunately unable to fund it :( But I will be purchasing the game ASAP.